Loans for entrepreneurs
Excluded from conventional financing?
Our microcredit loans can help with business startup or development. If you are excluded from conventional financing networks, you may be eligible for a loan with Microcrédit Montréal. We are a non-profit organization that is there for those who don’t have equal opportunities due to systemic barriers!
Start, develop or consolidate your for-profit or social economic business. We help entrepreneurs through their entire project by providing personalized support.
Financing for your business projects.
We offer different types of financing that come directly from investments by individuals or organizations who care about community wellbeing and the social and economic development of Montréal.
Loans ranging from
$500 to $20,000
This loan can be used for the pre-start, start-up, expansion or consolidation of a business or social economy organization.
- Interest rate: variable up to 8 %
- Repayment period: 3 years
- No file opening fees
- No early repayment penalities
Bridge loan
up to $50 000
This loan is mainly intended for cultural businesses, social economy businesses including NPOs and Cooperatives.
- Interest rate: 8 %
- Administration fees: 1% of the authorized loan amount
- Repayment period: 3 months
- Guarantee required
To be eligible for a loan, you must:
- Be a resident of Montreal or have the head office of your company on the island of Montreal.
- Be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or accepted refugee ( or temporary worker * certain conditions apply)
- Be excluded from conventional sources of financing
- Be a non-profit or social economy organization (for a bridge loan)
Excluded sectors
- Export project
- Technology project in a pre-start up phase
- Purchase of a franchise / Multiple level marketing pyramid scheme
- Projects of a religious, political, violent or degrading sexual nature
- Projects with negative social and/or environmental impacts
Apply for financing
Important : Please note that all the steps are mandatory.
Once your eligibility has been verified, you will receive an EMAIL with the next steps for the loan application process.
Please ensure that you understand the contents of this short explanatory video.
Apply for financing
I complete the eligibility form received by email.
I get my Notice of Assessment’s ready for the last 3 years, so I can provide my annual income amount.
I make an appointment with a counsellor for a 30 minute exploratory meeting on Zoom.
If you prefer to ask your questions in person, contact us by email or schedule a 15 minute call with a member of our team!
Following your exploratory meeting, you will quickly know if your project is admissible or not.
If your project is admissible, here are the next steps that await you.
- Complete the loan application form.
- Provide the documents necessary (for example :business plan, financial forecasts, TP80, etc.).
- Analysis of your loan request.
- Presentation of your project to the investment committee.
- Signature of the loan contract.
- Follow up and support adapted to your needs.
PS : The process can take up to six weeks from the moment we receive all your documents.
For more information or to make an appointment,
contact us by email or phone. We’ll be happy to help!
Contact us by email or schedule a 15 minute call with us!
We help local entrepreneurs
We’re making a real difference and we’re not the ones saying so!

Brian Rodgers
Owner, LŪM – ÉLectricité | Éclairage